
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cheap Living - My Ranting Introduction

Well, as you’ve probably gathered just by doing a little reading, this blog is all about cheap living. In this crazy economic climate, we have to learn how to make each dollar stretch, and make each dollar count, because frugality, however unpopular it might be, is still a golden key to financial stability, no matter what the markets may be doing. It’s blaringly obvious that we can’t depend on the government to figure anything out, so it’s up to you and I, the ordinary citizens, to make our own way and figure things out for ourselves. That’s the main reason I started this blog, was to figure out every possible way I could cut costs and implement some good old fashioned cheap cost living into my daily life, and hopefully improve the quality of my life at the same time…I know that sounds like an impossible feat, but every step out of debt and out of overspending is a step towards financial stability, and that’s one thing that almost every nation on the earth is lacking right now.

After talking with several people who are much older than me, the consensus is pretty much the same—this is the absolute WORST they’ve ever seen it. I think only the Great Depression can rival what we see around us in these days and times, and although it’s probably not as bad as it was then (I wasn’t around, so I don’t know), it has never been as worldwide as it is now. We’re talking EVERY nation on the earth has pretty much been affected by this depressed economy. The main reason why is because that’s the other side of the two-edged sword of globalization. But before I get on my political soapbox, which I really don’t have one but it sounded good to put it there, I just wanted to emphasize the fact that I’m going to be focusing on living on the cheap in today’s economy, and hopefully provide some good tips for whoever wants to read them on how to live frugally, cut unnecessary expenses, and make better financial decisions so that we can not go down the tubes with everyone else that’s been trying to “keep up with the Joneses” for the longest.

So welcome to the Cheap Living Gazette! I truly want to turn this blog into a guide to living cheap. Please keep checking back as I’m going to be adding more articles with some good cheap living tips and so forth in the very near future. So stay tuned…