
Monday, December 21, 2009

Redbox DVD Rental: Ninja Techniques for Cheap Living

You know, it’s often been said that dogs are man’s best friend. That may be true in the companionship department, but let me tell you, Redbox DVD Rentals are man’s best friend in the entertainment department. Talk about a deal! For those who may not be aware, Redbox is basically a DVD rental kiosk that can be found in at least a few of your major local retailers. I know that Redboxes have been spotted in the wild at my local Wal-Mart as well as the Kroger down the street from where I live. The beauty of the Redbox DVD system is that you can rent movies for only $1.00. Folks, it just doesn’t get any better than that.

Well, there are a few catches to this system, so I would be remiss if I didn’t explain how to get the full benefit from Redbox. You have to really make sure that you’re a disciplined person, disciplined enough to return the DVD within 24 hours of the time you rented it. See, that’s the deal with Redbox—you have 24 hours to return the movie from the time you rent it, or the DVD will self-destruct. Just kidding. But, if you’re late returning it, you will be charged another dollar, and then a dollar a day for every subsequent day that you forget to bring the doggone thing back. So, as with harnessing electrical power, it’s a great thing when used correctly, but potentially dangerous when not.

Basic Redbox operating instructions: You go up to the kiosk and use the touch-screen to select what type of movie you want to rent. I can say that for the most part, they have a decent selection of movies, but of course the New Releases won’t be quite as new as if you were to go to Blockbuster or some other major movie rental chain. But, they usually have at least 5 movies per category (Drama, Action, etc.) that are worth watching. I’ve been surprised at some of the titles they’ve had available at times, so you should always be on the lookout for those “hidden gems” at the Redbox…the thrill of scoring a cool DVD is almost as great as getting the secret decoder ring inside a box of Cracker Jacks.

But anyway, once you select which movie you want to rent, you are required to swipe your credit card. This will place a charge of $1.00 (plus tax) on your card. You get your DVD, go home, and enjoy it. Now hear me loud and clear: Don’t let the next day go by without returning the doggone video! You will miss the whole point of the Redbox. Every subsequent day that you forget to bring it back will be charged to your credit card until you bring it back. One dollar a day is the charge, and believe me, this can add up. I have found that if I don’t discipline myself to return it the very next day, I’ll delay another day, and then another day, and the next thing you know, I’m paying more for the Redbox rental than I would have paid at Blockbuster. That SUCKS!! My worst-ever case of this was with a dumb movie that my wife & I both hated, but we kept forgetting to bring it back to the Redbox, and ended up paying over $9.00 for that foolishness.

You can actually get some great deals (including free DVD rentals) from Redbox if you sign up on their email list. They’ll send you weekly promotional deals, and you can actually get a free rental just for signing up. Here’s the sign-up link: Also, if you want to go much deeper into the rabbit hole, check out this site devoted solely to Redbox promotional stuff:

So yeah, again, Redbox can be a blessing or a curse, but it’s all in how you use it. Remember, friends don’t let friends return Redbox DVD’s late.

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